AI in Aviation: What can we really expect in 2030 and beyond?
Register and join us!
(June 26th-27th, 2023 – EUROCONTROL Brussels)

The HAIKU Consortium is glad to announce its 1st Workshop, to be held on June 26th-27th, 2023 at EUROCONTROL (Brussels).
The workshop will address the question: What can we really expect from AI in aviation, in 2030 and beyond?
HAIKU will present insights on the future of aviation, the related key challenges and the potential for AI applications in this safety-critical industry. A range of experts from all aviation segments – ATM, Cockpit, UATM, Airport – will join the discussion.
HAIKU will request your feedback to rank a set of Intelligent Assistant Concepts, to agree on the most promising and desirable lanes for AI application in aviation.
Don’t miss this opportunity and register HERE to the workshop (limited seats available)